The President of Algeria publishes the IDEE of a visit to France.

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Relations between Algeria and France have been trending since Paris became the Moroccan autonomy plan for the disputed territory of Western Sahara.

Plusieurs are repoussée depuis mai 2023 and finalement prévue debut octobre, la visit en France de l’president algérien Abdelmadjid Tebboune n’aura finalement pas lieu. « Je n’irai pas à Canossa »At-I declared Samedi lors d’un entertainment on television.

Relations between Algiers and Paris are also always trending after the July announcement of Paris’ application in the Moroccan autonomy plan for the disputed territory of Western Sahara.

Algeria immediately retired as ambassador and reduced to diplomatic representation in ne gardant qu’un chargé d’affaires.

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«L’Algérie a été choisie pour le grand replacement»

Évoquant la colonization française (de 1830 a 1962) et la question mémorielle, le président algérien estimated that «l’Algérie a(vait) été choisie pour le grand replacement, le vrai grand replacement»consisting of «Chasser the local population to raise a European population with massacres, with a genocidal armée».

«Je n’accepte pas les mensonges sur l’Algérie. We are a population of four million inhabitants, and 132 years later we are members of new millions. Il ya eu a genocide»said Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

«At the request of historical truth», to martelé le président algérien, accuser une “Haineuse minority” in France to block all advances on the memory dossier.

Addressing the issue of French nuclear tests in Algérie, Abdelmadjid Tebboune launched into France: «Vous voulez qu’on soit amis, venez nettoyer les sites dessais nucléaires».

Between 1960 and 1966, France carried out 17 nuclear tests at sites outside the Sahara in Algeria. Documents declassified in 2013 reveal that the radioactive remains recovered are even more important, tending from West Africa to Southern Europe.

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The Franco-Algerian agreement of 1968

Abdelmadjid Tebboune also promulgated the Franco-Algérien agreement of 1968 which octroie un statut particulier aux Algériens en matière de droits de circulation, séjour et emploi en France. C’est become a «étendard derrière lequel marche l’armée des extrémistes» de droite en France, qui cherchent à l’abroger, at-il estimé.

In December 2023, the French National Assembly received a text requesting the French authorities to denounce the agreement.

Signed in 1968, when France availed itself of bras pour son économie, l’accord écarte les Algériens du droit commun en matière d’immigration. Ils n’ont, later, pas de carte de séjour in France mais des “residence certificates”.

You can establish yourself freely to carry out a commercial activity or an independent profession and have quicker access to other employees paying with a ten-year residence permit.

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