La partie de chasse vire au drame: un chasseur tué d’une balle dans le thorax

It is another hunter, who is hundreds of meters away from the victim, who prevents the dry ones after suffering a detonation.

United Nations hunter I’m 56 years old and I lost the weekend in the community of Crestet (Ardèche) after receiving a ball in the thorax, relator France Blue Drôme Ardèche, TF1 and the Dauphiné Liberated.

Les faits sont déroulés Samedi après-midi, aux alentours de 2:30 p.m. A further chasseur, who was found within a hundred meters of the victim, prevented the seconds after suffering a detonation, indicate our brothers.

The hypothesis of the return of the accident

The sapeurs-pompiers are located on the site, in a sector that is difficult to access. Ils ont found the man with a ball impact at chest level. Malgré leurs tentatives de réanimation, ils n’ont pu que constater le decade the hunter.

An open inquiry into the Privas parquet may determine the exact causes of the incident. Blue France Drôme Ardèche, The hypothesis of an accident seems to be retained at this stage. TF1de son côté, report that the victim is the sea of ​​the maire of this community of 500 inhabitants.